Ways to Know You Need a Home Care Assistant

Is it time for your elderly parent to use a home care assistant? No matter how old we are, it’s hard to admit that we need help with something. It’s even more difficult to admit that we need assistance with some of the most important basic tasks. As an adult child with an aging parent, you have probably experienced this already as your elderly mom or dad insists that they are fine and they don’t need your help with anything. Of course, you still continue to worry and may even be noticing areas of their life that aren’t going well. You’ve probably wondered whether a home care assistant might be needed.

Home Care in Holmdel Township NJ: Ways to Know You Need Home Care

When an elderly adult is experiencing a decline in their abilities to do basic tasks for themselves such as bathing, dressing, driving, and housework, it can be quite frightening to them as well. They may think that admitting they are struggling means they lose their independence and will be forced to go to a retirement center. They may be in denial about how hard it is to do basic tasks. Aging adults even stress about finances and what the future holds for them. The good news is that there are home care services provided by reputable agencies that can help seniors stay mostly independent and boost their quality of life.

So how do you know if it is really time to talk to your elderly parent about home care assistance? Here are several ways that signal it might be the right thing to do for both of you.

  • Dirty and cluttered home.
  • Out of control laundry.
  • Neglecting to prepare meals and choosing to graze on processed snacks.
  • Poor diet, weight loss or weight gain.
  • Strong smell of urine in clothes and in the home.
  • Changes in personal hygiene and infrequent bathing.
  • Decline in personal grooming.
  • Unexplained bruising or injuries.
  • Struggles to get up from a seated position.
  • Stacks of unopened mail and late payment notices.
  • Missing appointments or being late to events frequently.
  • Confusion or hesitation in performing tasks.
  • Forgetting routine appointments or familiar information.

These are just a few of the signs that your elderly mom or dad may be struggling to keep up with the tasks of daily living. It can be easy to identify the need for home care aides when they have sudden changes to their physical ability, such as illness or surgery. However, a more subtle decline is less noticeable and sometimes adult children are a little blind to the facts in front of them.

Even if several of these red flags are present, it doesn’t automatically mean that your parent is a candidate for a nursing home right away. There are lots of options when it comes to home care. A good agency will work with family members and seniors to find a solution.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Holmdel Township, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Lares Home Care 888-492-3538 or 732-566-1112.

