What Should Be in Your Caregiver Crisis Kit?

Depending on how long you’ve been a caregiver, you may already be aware that being prepared is key to handling unexpected situations. Part of being prepared for dealing with emergencies when they pop up is having a plan in place. It can also help to have a “go bag” ready to grab in case of…

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Caring for an Aging Parent While Being a Parent Yourself

When you were a child, your mother was always there for you. If you fell down and scraped your knee, she bandaged you up. If you were hungry, she cooked you dinner. If you needed scolding for the dumb things we all do as children and teenagers, she was there to do it. But most…

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What Are the Best Ways to Resolve Feelings of Guilt for Family Caregivers?


Caregiver in Middletown NJ Feeling guilt as a family caregiver can throw you off your game and cause you to overwork yourself. If you’re constantly thinking that you should be doing more, you’re not acknowledging all that you already do. Resolving those feelings of guilt are the best way to keep them from returning. Acknowledge…

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